Best Titanium Bicycles

best titanium bicycles

Before we go into the best titanium bicycles to get, let us get a bit of a background on the titanium bike. A Bit About Titanium Titanium is the forth most common metal and ninth of the nine elements that account for over 99 percent of the earths crust. However getting titanium out of the […]

What Is A Recumbent Bike?

what is a recumbent bike

What Is A Recumbent Bike? A recumbent bike is a bicycle that has a seat on it with a backrest. It is normally closer to the ground than a conventional bike. There are two types of recumbent bikes: A recumbent bicycle that you can ride outdoors. A recumbent exercise bike. The outdoor recumbent bicycle is known […]

Flywheel Exercise Bikes – Why A Flywheel?

flywheel exercise bikes

Why are flywheel exercise bikes so popular at the moment? The reason that I like them is that a heavy weight flywheel makes the bike ride a lot smoother, and the smoother the exercise bike feels when you use it, the more often you are going to climb on and actually ride it. So why […]

The Rise Of Electric Recumbent Trikes

electric recumbent trikes

Most electric recumbent bikes are actually electric recumbent trikes, unless they are the stationery sort. The popularity of the electric recumbent trike has exploded in the 21st century, and this is more than likely due to the rapidly aging population in the more developed countries. These bikes have a lot of advantages in comparison to […]

Easy Fat Burning Tips

easy fat burning tips

Some of these easy fat burning tips may sound mundane, but they actually work. Remember that your height and build does determine your ideal weight. Carrying more weight than your recommended weight results in health risks. Some individuals gain weight more readily than others, but with proper drive and information people can certainly drop weight […]

Yosuda Stationary Bike Review

yosuda stationary bike

This article features the Yosuda Stationary Bike. Let’s look at the features of this bike, and to whom it is best suited. This Yosuda stationary bike review does contain affiliate links, which means that if you decide to purchase anything off of this page, the owner of this website will get a small commission. Yosuda […]

The Benefits Of A Spin Class

benefits of a spin class

Taking a spin class has amazing benefits, and some of them might just surprise you. Let’s look at the benefits of a spin class and what spinning can do for you. This post may contain affiliate links. What Is Spinning? Spinning is a type of aerobic exercise, done by cycling indoors on a stationary “spinning” […]

What Are The Benefits of Riding a Stationary Bike?

what are the benefits of riding a stationary bike

With cycling outdoors being so popular at the moment, you may still wonder, what are the benefits of riding a stationary bike, when you can get outdoors and ride around the country side? Most people that exercise on stationary bikes and even recumbent exercise bikes, feel the benefits of riding a stationary bike, otherwise why […]

Cheap Bicycle Parts Or Cheap Used Bicycle Parts?

cheap bicycle parts

Buying a cheap used bicycle parts or even cheap bicycle parts is not always the answer, and you need to know your stuff and what to look for before doing so, or you could risk injury or even death. The only types of cheap used bicycle parts I would consider buying are things like handle […]

Indoor Cycling Trainer Workouts: Here’s Why You’re Not Getting Results

Riding a bike inside is one of the safest ways to get some exercise. Here are some indoor cycling trainer workouts, which may help you to see why you are not getting the results that you want. In fact , there is no special secret to this and almost everyone can peddle a bike. So why […]