Related Information for Cyclists Mountain Biking Tips For Beginners

Mountain Biking Tips For Beginners

winter biking tips

If you are an avid cyclist, there is little chance that you would want to give up your cycling just because the cold has set in. Here are some mountain biking tips for beginners that winter cyclists can use.

Winter Mountain Biking Tips For Beginners

Heading out into the trails to mountain bike in the winter can be a lot of fun and very exciting because of the fact that you presently have the concession to ride on snow covered trails. Unlike riding in the summer time, there are far more challenges that you will have to overcome.
If you cycle on snow packed trails, it will definitely make you a more alert rider, as you have a lot less traction and not quite as much stopping potential.

Here are a couple of things and winter biking tips to keep in mind when you head outside on a snowy day to ride your favorite mountain trails in winter.

First of all, make sure your tires are in tip top condition. In this way you will have superior traction, and also be able to stop in a hurry if you need to. If the tread on your tires is wearing thin, you will not be able to ride up long hills with ease, and you are far more liable to have a collision.

Do a pre-trip inspection of the tire pressure, brakes, wheels and headset. Use the recommended maximum pressure for road riding and packed non-technical trails. Use lower pressure for mud and snow.

Secondly, make sure you wear the correct clothing, and keep some additional clothing in the car. You will probably find that you will wear less clothing  than if you do conventional cycling on the road. You will be moving more slowly on trails, thus creating less wind to cool you down. You will need to wear some layers that you can peel off a layer at a time as you get warmer. Gloves are super important in cold weather.

Thirdly, because in winter time, the trails are packed down with snow, there may be some slush in some spots. You will need to become a superb bike handler to avoid slipping. You will also need to ride out of the saddle more often so that you can react quicker when your cycle moves in a way that you don’t want it too.

mountain biking tips for beginners

Looking at other components like the brakes too. Snow and ice are very slippery, which means the bike runs a bigger risk of skidding on the surface. Aside from understanding when to pull the brake lever, you also need to have quality brakes. Mechanical and hydraulic disc brakes are the best for these icy situations.

Having the right pedals is also important when doing icy trails. It is easy to consider the flat pedals, but they don’t have the same security as a clipless pedal. When you are in the cold or riding in the snow, you don’t have time to deal with feet slipping off the pedals. We recommend looking at clipless pedals for more ease and comfort.

Last, but not least, always ride in a group, especially if you are a beginner. There is nothing worse than getting injured in a remote place and you are all on your own.

Trusting that this has given you a couple of extra winter mountain biking tips for beginners to consider next time you do that snowy mountain trail.

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