Exercise, Health and Fitness How To Stay Healthy And Fit Through Indoor Cycling

How To Stay Healthy And Fit Through Indoor Cycling

how to stay healthy and fit

how to stay healthy and fitHow to stay healthy and fit is no secret. In fact, it is a long term plan, that you need to make time for every week.  If you are wanting a great, highly motivational exercise you can use to shed some pounds, shape your lower body, and improve your heart and lungs, here is how to stay healthy and fit through indoor cycling.

How To Stay Healthy And Fit Through Indoor Cycling

The trick on how to stay healthy and fit through indoor cycling is to use interval training. In a spinning class you will automatically be taken through periods of high and low intensity, but if you are on a stationary bike you need to push your self to do fast sprints inbetween slower ones.

There are normally settings on the bike that will help you to get a great interval training workout on your bicycle.

Indoor Cycling or Spinning for a Healthier Body

It’s a known fact that indoor cycling, or spinning, lowers a persons’ heart rate. With regular spinning sessions, you can lessen your pulse by about 10 to 20 beats a minute lower than a sedentary person. Spinning also helps cut high cholesterol and helps to increase the production of good Cholesterol. Compared to other forms of aerobics such as jogging, indoor cycling does not stress your knees and ankles, and can actually strengthen these body parts.

Indoor Cycling or Spinning for a sharp Physique

As a reduced impact, strong intensity workout, indoor cycling allows you burn more calories. According to Calorie-Counter.net, thirty mins of inside cycling makes a person lose about 340 calories. What’s great about spinning is that your level of exhaustion is low if you compare it to jogging. Because of this, you may have more energy to go the extra mile.

Indoor cycling is an exceedingly motivating, especially if you are in a class with a trained instructor to guide you. The instructor during an indoor cycling session will turbo-charge your performance by providing vivid visualizations of pedaling through the countryside and other pretty routes.

The coach in a spinning class will also evaluate your capabilities and work you on certain power levels to achieve your goals, be it weight management or muscle building.

Since indoor cycling is an activity you can do at a gym or in the comfort of your own home, you can do it with no need to consider the weather.

You will feel the results in only one or two weeks of taking spinning classes. After about two to three weeks of regular indoor cycling sessions, you may feel a rise in your energy level and improvement in your cardio endurance. You will also have obvious changes in your body shape, especially in your thigh and butt area.

When it comes to taking steps on how to stay healthy and fit, improving your health or having a better-looking physique, there is no better time to start than NOW. Try indoor cycling, and see in person the excellent benefits it can give you.

How Often Should I Attend A Spinning Class

It depends on what sorts of other exercise you are doing to stay in shape, but if you are only doing spinning, a minimum of three classes a week is a must.

If you are working out at home, you will need to push yourself to do at least 3 x 45 minute sessions.

What Do I Need To Do Spinning?

First, you may find a gel seat will go a long way to keeping you comfortable during your spinning class. If you want to find out how to get one at a good price, click on the picture.

This one is super comfortable and easy to slip onto your bike seat before class quickly.

This seat works well on spinning bikes, exercise bikes and even the bicycle you ride outdoors.
These spinning cleats are designed to be attached to a cycling shoe and help you and the pedal to stay in contact.

The idea is that your shoe can grip onto the pedal thus making it easier for you to concentrate on the class rather than you feet slipping off of the pedals.



If you want to do your spinning at home, there are great deals on spinning bikes you can purchase for home use like the one on the right. 

  • LCD shows time, speed, distance, calorie, and pulse.
  • Adjustable resistance, seat, and handlebars.
  • Weight capacity: 220 lbs.
  • Ideal for spin class, home / indoor workout, and office gym!
  • A fun workout for the entire family! Lose those calories now!

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