How To Choose The Best Exercise Bike Computer

best bike computer

Today cycle computers can do way more than just track the velocity, distance and period of time each ride takes. However, there are certain other features that many of these devices now have included, so let’s take a look at what you can get and how to choose the best exercise bike computer. Most exercise […]

Fitness And Muscle Building – Will A Recumbent Bike Help?

fitness and muscle building

If you are wondering if a recumbent exercise bike is good for fitness and muscle building, then keep reading. Fitness And Muscle Building Using A Recumbent Bike The recumbent bike puts the user in a slightly reclined position during training. This is great because it puts less pressure on the knees and back than other […]

Different Bike Types For Different Rough Terrain Rides

different bike types

Life used to be easier when I was younger and in the early days of mountain biking, as you didn’t need different bike types for different rides. Any old bike worked and any old bike was good enough. During the mountain bike boom of the late 1980’s and early ’90, mountain bikes were incredibly popular […]

Stay Fit The Fun Way With Spinning Workout

spinning workout

Why A Spinning Workout? Because getting fit is vital for everyone, one way to get there is by doing a spinning workout. Spinning strengthens your lungs and heart, tones your muscles, especially those in the lower body and is a wonderful way to achieve slimmer legs. What Is A Spinning Workout? Spinning is also known […]

How To Prepare For Road Cycling Events

cycling event

Every pro cycle rider knows that timing is everything when it comes down to how to prepare for road cycling events. They count their hours spent in the saddle and measure their average speed during those tough training hours. They measure time expended in each heart rate section and record how long it takes to […]

Use Bike Power Meters To Improve Your Performance


A bike power meters ability to compute one’s workload in real time has basically altered the way that cyclists train. By using a bicycle power meter, there is no more guessing about how your fitness levels are increasing. You will have no more wildly overblown first intervals wrecking the remainder of the set. With a […]

Why Stationary Recumbent Bikes Are Reliable

stationary recumbent bikes

Many people are embracing the idea of creating a home gym with stationary recumbent bikes. One of the main reasons for this is because of todays modern lifestyles. There is just no time left in the day to go to the gym anymore. It helps to have a stationary recumbent bike at home to work out […]

How To Train In The Off Season

how to train in the off season

Here is some more information on how to train in the off season for cyclists, because what you do in the off-season can mean the difference between losing and winning. If you want to read more about weight training in the off season click here. Only maintaining your fitness just about enough to avoid weight […]