Riding a bike inside is one of the safest ways to get some exercise. Here are some indoor cycling trainer workouts, which may help you to see why you are not getting the results that you want. In fact , there is no special secret to this and almost everyone can peddle a bike. So why do so many indoor cyclists fail to reach their fitness targets?
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If you can’t get to a gym, there are many great indoor cycling DVD’s and books you can purchase to try at home. They are normally in the form of 30 to 60-minute workouts that are virtual rides with a professional instructor. The motivation and music will keep you going at a good pace.
Indoor Cycling Trainer Workouts Are All About The Effort
Part of the reason you are not getting results is boredom. Like a treadmill, with an indoor bike, you are not moving anywhere, and apathy can simply take hold. Tediousness leads to loss of motivation, and we thus don’t put as much effort into our exercise.
I know that indoor cycling isn’t the most stimulating activity, but in order to be your best, you need to give of your best.
An apple watch like the one on the right is what I use to motivate me to work harder on my upright bicycle. I like to ride for 30 minutes or more and track my heart rate. I try to keep it between 85 and 100 percent of full capacity, then I know that I am getting a great workout. If you bike has a good computer, you won’t need the watch to measure your heart rate.
Just because indoor cycling trainer workouts are low impact, it shouldn’t mean low effort. The best way to get your motivation going is to join up with an indoor cycling class (spinning) at your local gym.
These classes could be just the thing to get those juices flowing again, as they are both fun and challenging. While it is not meant to be competitive, you will be energized by a room full of cyclists who have the same goals you do, and thus, you fuel each other on and thus work harder.
Any local gym or fitness center should offer these types of classes, so I urge you to go and try one. You may be pleasantly surprised. Just remember to take your gel seat, as your rear can get a little tender.
Yes, it is all about how much effort you put in. With indoor cycling, you have total control of your workout’s effort level. With a cycling class, there is the added benefit of an instructor to coach you to work to your limits. Those who take part in these classes are amazed at how much harder they work in a class in comparison to how hard they work when cycling on their own.
So make your workout time count. Do not waste time by simply going through the motions. Use whatever resources you need to rev up your workout, whether it by classes or a DVD.
Keep challenging yourself and keep your expectations high, and your body will produce the results you hunger for.
Fitness Journeys – Through the Forest 2, for indoor walking, treadmill and cycling workouts

Run, walk or cycle in peaceful and natural surroundings.
Turn those cardio workouts into virtual journeys, while you stay in shape.
This DVD will stimulate your mind and create a fun and relaxing ambiance with three different and refreshing journeys through a variety of beautiful forest.
The variety in speed allows you to adapt the workout to your needs.
Hope you have some more insight now as to why your Indoor cycling trainer workouts are not getting the results you want.